Master Program: Tutor & Courses
Master Profile «Human Behavior»
This profile focuses on the measurement of human behavior using vision-based technologies (such as eye tracking, hand tracking and object pose estimation) and the computation of meaningful metrics quantifying human behavior in form of objective key performance indicators. Master’s studies include courses covering the basics of machine learning and computer vision as well as specific fields of application such as surgical training, rehabilitation or collaborative robotics. Semester project and Master thesis are usually embedded in research projects with industrial and/or clinical partners.
- 3D Vision (FS, 5 ECTS, Prof. Pollefeys)
- Digital Humans (FS, 8 ECTS, Prof. Tang)
- Robot Dynamics (HS, 4 ECTS, Prof. Hutter)
- Physical Human Robot Interaction (HS, 4ECTS, Prof. Lambercy)
- Biomedical Imaging (HS, 4 ECTS, Prof. Kozerke)
- Rehabilitation Engineering I (FS, 4 ECTS, Prof. Riener)
- Medical Technology Innovation (HS, 4 ECTS, Prof. Herrmann)
- Stochastic Methods for Engineers and Natural Scientists (HS, 4 ECTS, Dr. Meyer-Massetti)