
Compulsory Courses


Machine Elements
Introduction to machine elements and mechanical systems as the basics of product development. Case studies on their application in products and systems. Selected examples demonstrate how these can be assembled into functional parts and complete systems, such as machinery, tools or actuators.


Innovation Process
The lecture considers the basic steps of the innovation process – from the idea to the finished product – with a special focus on the corresponding elements of the design and development methodology. The practical methods and tools are applied in the accompanying Innovation Project.

Tools Courses

Programming with LabVIEW for InnoProject Tutors


The Tool Course introduces dataflow programming with NI LabVIEW. It focuses on the myRIO module and the mechatronics kit specifically designed for the innovation project. The students learn how to control motors. This course is for Innovation Project tutors only.


Sketching course
The ability to draw ideas for technical systems in order to discuss them with other people is extremely relevant in the field of interdisciplinary product development. In the Sketching Course, mechanical engineering students learn how to draw three-dimensional views of technical systems by hand.

Elective Courses


Cross-Disciplinary Research and Development in Medicine and Engineering
The main goal of this course is to demonstrate the differences in communication between the fields of medicine and engineering. Since such differences become the most evident during actual collaborative work, the course is based on a current project in physiology research that combines both subjects.


Coaching Innovations-Projekte
This course prepares and supports tutors of the innovation project. Topics are: Overview of the role and mindset of a coach, coaching methodologies and supervision of individual cases, building competencies by exchanging good practices as well as interventions to foster team spirit. Individual coaching sessions complement the competency development.

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