Additive Manufacturing enables customized meat substitutes
Product Development Group Zurich pd|z and ETH Spin-off Planted joined forces to customize the extrusion process of plant-based meat by Additive Manufacturing.
Open position in additive manufacturing
Project background
Additive manufacturing offers unimagined potential for future applications, which combine both economic and ecological advantages optimally. In our research, we deal with the foundation to enable new application fields based on additive manufacturing. The realization of AM applications requires knowledge and methods in product development that is not yet state of the art. This project aims to explore new applications in the field of extrusion and fluidics for process engineering and the food industry using additive manufacturing. An initial area of application is, for example, the production of meat substitutes or the co-extrusion of plastics. The overall goal is to contribute to energy efficiency and the reduction of CO2 emissions.
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