Q-Award 2022 for Research on Tall Man Lettering

The quality board of the University Hospital Zurich (USZ) has awarded the research of ETH and USZ on the prevention of medication errors by TML-coded syringe labels with the Q-Award 2022.

Tall Man Lettering on syringe labels

The winner of the Q-Award 2022 in the category Q-Project is an interprofessional research team under the direction of Cornel Schiess (USZ), Dr. med. Daniel Hofmänner (USZ) and Dr.-Ing. Quentin Lohmeyer (ETH). In a collaborative project, they applied eye tracking to investigate how capitalization in drug names (so-called Tall Man Lettering) shifts visual attention and thus helps distinguishing drugs with similar names. Their results showed that TML affects visual attention, resulting in more and longer fixations on the drug name and thus led to a significant decrease in medication errors.

The eye tracking study and its results are published in external page Lohmeyer et al. 2022 and are further discussed in an editorial article from external page Lambert et al. 2022.


Dr. Quentin Lohmeyer
Lecturer at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering
  • LEE O 218
  • +41 44 632 38 53

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Leonhardstrasse 21
8092 Zürich

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