O2 permeability of additively manufactured silicone

Additive manufacturing of silicone is particularly interesting for biomedical devices with complex internal structures. We studied the O2 permeability of additively manufactured silicone because in many biomedical applications oxygen exchange is important.

Bar plot showing the O2 permeability of TrueSil
Oxygen permeability of TrueSil silicone offered by Spectroplast AG and ELASTOSIL® silicone offered by Wacker Chemie AG

AM enables complex parts to be fabricated from silicone. One application where AM of silicone has a big potential is fluid handling systems for body fluids such as blood; for example, extracorporeal blood oxygenators or hemodialysis machines. In addition, bioreactors for cell growth could be printed in silicone to integrate several functions in one part, such as perfusion, gas exchange, and mechanical stimulation. Each interface of a fluid system is a weak spot, where its failure can lead to critical consequences such as leakage or contamination. The use of AM allows to increase the system integration, hence, reducing the number of interfaces.

Additively manufactured silicone membrane and cross-section thereof
Photo of an additively manufactured membrane and cross-section of a membrane visualizing the process lines

Together with external page Empa and external page HSLU, we investigated the permeability of additively manufactured silicone membranes. The membranes were additively manufactured by external page Spectroplast AG and compared with conventionally manufactured membranes from external page Wacker Chemie AG. It was shown that the permeability is comparable. This is an intriguing result for the future use of AM of silicone in the medical field. More details can be found in our open access publication "O2 permeability of additively manufactured silicone membranes". external page View Full Paper

For more information, please contact Marcel Gort or Mirko Meboldt.

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